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Page history last edited by Ashleigh Bobovski 13 years, 10 months ago

Wordle: World Languages and Technology 

http://sehomeworldlanguages.pbworks.com/  Sehome World Languages

This is a page for the World Languages and Technology group to look up our schedule information for the year and add information about each session.

Summary of EETT Goals 2010-11 

Laboratorio de lenguas: horario


****WAFLT  Presentation: Bridging the Gap:  High School to University Resources from A. Bobovski 



Date Session Name/ Time: 2:45-3:45 Materials Assignment




Meeting during our work days 

Curriculum mapping/How/why/where to incorporate technology into the classroom 3:30 Hearthfire

 Meet in the language lab to discuss how it's going with our document camera and projectors









Meet in the lab to discuss the logistics of the flip cameras, what projects we have developed, what's working, what's not (early oct. meeting canceled from lang. conference)    



We explored how to work our activboards and the components that go with it!    

Worked on using the flipshare software-how to open the program to explain to students for software editing.  Explored Promethean Planet site for flipcharts

Made sure our classrooms were working with new technology w/ new installations

Wrote a grant for funds for PTSA (headphones for the lab)




Meet after faculty meeting, 3:15-4:15 Host Catherine Meisner-Innovations Technology Teacher of the Year for WAFLT. Learn about some new things she's doing with technology!    







1/21 changed to




Share what we're doing with the flipcamera projects, and other technology related projects.   Put together a portfolio of student work?


T:\Forlang\Spanish.Shared\Flip charts



Explore new technologies:



Web 2.0 Tools






2/4,  Thurs.


Establish Websites and work on them

Figure flip camera software for editing: Bring projects from classes 


  3/4, 3/18,


Share top projects through school wide video during Nat'l Foreign Language Week    

 4/1, 4/22,


5/6, 5/20

Highlight student work/projects, assessing the successes, room for improvement 

Talked about our final meetings, wrote a proposal for the fall WAFLT conference, Ashleigh worked on her video for presentation next week with other grant recipients





Planning for next year, where to next?     


Course Description: Integrating Computer Technology into the World Language Classroom: Experienced teachers will teach those of us who are newer or less experienced with certain features ad functions our language lab offers.  Ashleigh Bobovski is also a recipient of a EETT Grant and will share knowledge from Tech. trainings with group.   We all have "improve use" of language lab on our personal goal sheets, so we would like to improve our personal understandings of the functions to promote more student use and consequently more one on one feedback opportunities.

*Learn how to make the most of new technology in the classroom, activboards, document cameras, projectors

*Learn how to access and use software to create web pages for posting homework and documents, using things such as google sites and pb works

*Use programs such as scrapblog to create online projects

Access Quia and  other websites to find, select and build links to interactive, engaging learning activities for further review and practice of reading, writing , speaking, and listening skills taught in the language classroom.

*Quickly, easily, and accurately use software and hardware to record individual student verbal outputs (in order to assess them later &provide feedback bases on these assessment date, for example as it pertains to AP language class testing)

*Create activities that provide for independent application and practice of skills learned in the language classroom

*Bring pedagogical issues and /or ideas to both share with colleagues and to seek input

*Integrate small group Professional group from BBI time into use in use of technology in the language lab as well as assess and monitor student learning




ACTFL Standards


Coaching Planning Sheet


Suggested Purchases for EETT Grant


My plan for this year

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