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Room 120 Wish List!

Page history last edited by Ashleigh Bobovski 14 years, 10 months ago

Wish List for Sra. Rosa Bobovski’s Spanish Class

*If you have any of the following extra items around the house and/or you’d like to donate to the class, please send them with your student to school or drop off at the main office labeled Room 120, Bobovski. Please include your name so I can send you a thank you card from the class!

o   Markers, colored pencils

o   Construction paper

o   Packs of colored tissue paper

o   Art supplies, such as small or medium sized brads (used for Dia de los muertos projects), ribbons,

o   Hand-held hole punches

o   Extra staplers for student use

o   Card stock paper

o   Brilliant/bright colored paper in 8/12 x 11 size or 11 x 17 for projects

o   Paper cups, napkins, plates, plastic silverware

o   Spanish dictionaries

o   Spanish children books, novels in Spanish for class library for AP students

o   Posters or realia (objects from the target culture) highlighting the Spanish speaking world

o   Blue painters tape

o   Cleaning supplies-antiseptic wipes, sponges, etc.

o   Art books from Spain or latino America

o   Spanish language magazines, newspapers, etc.

o   A subscription to: National Geographic, People or___? In Spanish

o   A monetary donation to the Dorothy Gonzalves Scholarship fund (ASB office/Cathy Moran) that goes to an outstanding student of languages each year.

o   A donation to the Esperanto ASB fund, earmarked for Bobovski’s students to help fund student fieldtrips to foreign language movies in town, field trips to art museums, exhibitions

o   Anything else you think we might need!


¡Muchísimas gracias!  Your support is greatly appreciated!


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